Quasi Moto



News Updates

This page will be updated from time to time as any late breaking or important news becomes available from  various other sites and/or mainstream and scientific publications. Keep an eye on this page in the future.

As of the latest update of NASA's BPP public information site (July 2000), the "Breakthrough  Propulsion Physics Program" has been changed to the "Breakthrough  Propulsion Physics Project". This, Mr Millis (the site's author and project coordinator) says is due to "(formal adherence to planning nomenclature)". (06/07/2000)

Thomas L. Mahood and Dr James F. Woodward have joined in a collaborative research effort and have produced a paper, (it can be downloaded from Woodward's site) entitled " MACH'S PRINCIPLE, MASS FLUCTUATIONS, AND RAPID SPACETIME TRANSPORT ". In it they state that their latest findings show that if the original effect does in fact exist then it is at least an order of magnitude smaller than previously thought. (06/07/2000)

Jim Bolstad of Johnson Controls, Inc. together with an unnamed professor and a group of students at the Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Marquette University have recently (Fri. Sept. 10, 1999) presented a Math Colloquium at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee entitled "Mathematical Analysis of an Inertial Impulse Propulsion Device ". The article includes an abstract and can be found at: http://www.uwm.edu/~gb/COLLOQUIA/99-09-10/99-09-10.html . I am currently trying to contact both Jim Bolstad and the unnamed professor for further details. (22/07/2000)





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